
HTML5 Specification Finalized

Earlier last month the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) finalized the draft for the HTML5 specifications. However, we are still...
HTML5 Specification Finalized

Earlier last month the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) finalized the draft for the HTML5 specifications. However, we are still quite some time away from being able to fully reap the benefits. This just means that companies have a definite goal and limitations on what they can plan to implement sometime in the next year, as no new features will be added to HTML5 in that time. The specification may be done, but we will still need to wait (and hope) for all major browsers to implement the specification properly.

For those wondering what HTML5 actually is, it is simply a new version of HTML. This means that anything that was written in a previous version of HTML will still work fine. HTML5 just contains some new features and tags that make creating web pages easier, and more usable. Here are some exciting new features:

New Features

  • Native Audio and Video Support (No more Flash!)
  • New Header and Footer tags
  • New Doctype
  • New Input form fields, and form validation
  • Form Placeholders
Most importantly, HTML5 is probably the first time where we will be able to see all of the major browsers playing nicely by the same set of rules. For a long time, developers have struggled to make sure a page displays correctly in as many browsers as possible. The web has become vastly more important in the last decade and companies are taking note. While Internet Explorer has been a classic case of doing things on their own accord, they are realizing that many will refuse to use their browser if they don’t properly implement standards.